
PPDBA - Pennsylvania Dog Shows Scheduled for April 3rd, 2025


Pennsylvania State dog clubs have submitted Conformation Dog Shows for approval and sanctioning to the American Canine Association, Inc. (ACA.) The shows have been scheduled for April 3rd, 2025 and will be held in the Lancaster/Harrisburg. The primary goals of these shows are for professional dog breeders and fanciers to have their adult breeding dogs closely evaluated and compared to the official standard of the breed. Breeders participating in the shows also receive accreditation towards their Star Breeder “Achievement of Excellence” annual award. Only the nation’s top breeders meet the high standards outlined in this highly coveted award. Detailed specifications of the award’s criteria can be obtained at

Will Pennsylvania's voice be heard?


The PPDBA supports the idea of a National "grassroots" organization that legit-ably represents the views and beliefs of the professional breeder. Rumor has it that a meeting of state breeder organization is gathering in Kansas City, MO this month. The PPDBA has been the voice of Pennsylvania's professional dog breeders since 1982 and is the only such organization know in the Commonwealth. The PPDBA will have to see how our membership will be represented and what type of leadership structure the proposed National organization might have. The PPDBA Board has has decided to send our Legislative Chairman Bob Yarnall, Jr. to represent Pennsylvania and to report his findings back to the PPDBA Board. It is our hope that this newest attempt to have all of the state breeder's organization to come together will be successful.

HSUS intentionally misleads Congress and the public.


Evidence continues to mount that the Humane Society of the United States is betraying its donors’ trust.

Mar 8 2016
PPDBA 2025 Annual Educational Seminar and Trade Show April 2nd, 2025

The Pennsylvania Professional Dog Breeder Association (PPDBA) will be holding our 41st Annual Educational Seminar and Trade Show on April 2nd, 2025. This event will be held at the Shady Maple Convention Center and Smorgasbord located at 129 Toddy Drive, East Earl, PA 17519. The doors will be open at 7:30 AM. read more

Jul 16 2015
Pennsylvania Breeders Committed to Raising America's Finest Puppies.

The Pennsylvania Professional Dog Breeders Association (PPDBA) held their 2015 Annual Trade Show and Educational seminar on March 26th, 2015. The PPDBA event took place at the Shady Maple Convention Center located in the East Earl, PA. Attendees eagerly listened as the nation’s top veterinarians and industry experts lectured on state of the art veterinary protocols and enhanced husbandry techniques... read more

Jul 16 2015
PPDBA Members Strive For Clean USDA Inspection Reports

Taking notes from their recent PPDBA 2018 Breeder Conference, Pennsylvania Professional Dog Breeders Association (PPDBA) Members strive for no code infractions on the state or USDA APHIS inspection reports. read more

Jul 16 2015
PPDBA - Pennsylvania Dog Shows Scheduled for April 3rd, 2025

Pennsylvania State dog clubs have submitted Conformation Dog Shows for approval and sanctioning to the American Canine Association, Inc. (ACA.) The shows have been scheduled for April 3rd, 2025 and will be held in the Lancaster/Harrisburg. The primary goals of these shows are for professional dog breeders and fanciers to have their adult breeding dogs closely evaluated and compared to the official standard of the breed. Breeders participating in the shows also receive accreditation towards their Star Breeder “Achievement of Excellence” annual award. Only the nation’s top breeders meet the high standards outlined in this highly coveted award. Detailed specifications of the award’s criteria can be obtained at read more

Jul 16 2015
Will Pennsylvania's voice be heard?

The PPDBA supports the idea of a National "grassroots" organization that legit-ably represents the views and beliefs of the professional breeder. Rumor has it that a meeting of state breeder organization is gathering in Kansas City, MO this month. The PPDBA has been the voice of Pennsylvania's professional dog breeders since 1982 and is the only such organization know in the Commonwealth. The PPDBA will have to see how our membership will be represented and what type of leadership structure the proposed National organization might have. The PPDBA Board has has decided to send our Legislative Chairman Bob Yarnall, Jr. to represent Pennsylvania and to report his findings back to the PPDBA Board. It is our hope that this newest attempt to have all of the state breeder's organization to come together will be successful. read more

Jul 29 2015
HSUS intentionally misleads Congress and the public.

Evidence continues to mount that the Humane Society of the United States is betraying its donors’ trust. read more

Aug 5 2015
Brucellosis... Canine Health Alert!

Brucellosis can be devastating to a kennel inhibiting breeding females from producing litters. The disease has little to no obvious side effects, so initiating biosecurity protocols are a breeders best line of defense. read more

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